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Treat gonorrhea!

What is important for those who write? To read, of course! Popularity is not only enjoyable, it makes a profit. More readers - more profit. Everything is simple! The Internet in this sense is ideal: there is no need to pay for printing books, a royalty payable to the author - everything is virtual, but in most cases the author is uncertain. It is enough to attract the reader, and not just any, but certainly massive. Violence, sport and sex, according to psychologists, are best suited for this purpose.

A medical site should also be popular, of course, for a wide range of people interested in health. About diet, food supplements. Only, it is mainly for women. What about men? Well, no sports violence. You will scare them with violence, but most athletes and fans are healthy people.

Sex - it's a fascinating thing regardless of gender and age! For example, sexually transmitted diseases: everything is interesting - both how they are infected and how they are treated. Good idea, the request is made! Here's a tricky point: what about treatment information? Is it good to make it public?

The main symptom of gonorrhea is the discharge of pus from the urethra. If you don't know what pus is, if you've forgotten where the urethra is, or if you can't put these together, check out the "Virtual Doctor" website created by the Association of Medical Students of Azerbaijan. Placed there (obviously for educational purposes), a frank photograph of the affected organ compensates for the faults of the poorest imagination.

Gonorrhea is transmitted sexually. This is usually written in the belief that a person interested in gonorrhea already has an idea of the characteristics of this path. However, true scientific medicine does not allow for deviations, requiring unity in the understanding of terms. Following this principle, the author of an article on gonorrhea on the website of the "Health with Elena Malysheva" program provides a detailed description of the modes of transmission of venereal diseases.

In addition, the individual moments of sexual life are detailed, leading to the appearance of sore throat and "discomfort" in the "rectal region".

The article is expertly written. Reading the horrors of gonorrhic complications, you can clearly imagine the pale face of a poor man who found the symptoms described and shivered at the thought of what he had experienced. At this point, he is ready to go to the leather clinic.

It seems that the author of the article is captivated by the charm of the oldest venereal disease. Therefore, probably, the chapter "Treatment" was written by him, who did not want to part with the muse, without much enthusiasm. Antibacterial therapy occupies the last place among the recommendations prescribed by him, sharing his unenviable fate with the symptomatic.

Probably, the author deliberately refused the doses and the method of use of the drugs named by him, not wanting in any case to engage in self-medication. However, the editors of the Health site with Elena Malysheva took the liberty not only to fill in the details that she lacked concerning the use of drugs, but also to expand their list. Here is the result of hard work - a list of 29 drugs. By showing their name with a "mouse", the interested person will find information on the method of use and the doses.

Of these 29 drugs, none are included in modern treatment regimens for gonorrhea. A part has never been used with it: anti-TB drugs - streptomycin-calcium chloride complex, pasomycin and salazodimethoxine used for ulcerative colitis. Many drugs are obsolete, some of them (cephaloridine) have already been stopped.

The effectiveness of the recommended drugs is limited by the resistance of the causative agent of gonorrhea to antibiotics. According to WHO recommendations, if the level of resistance of the gonococci to an antibacterial drug in the region exceeds 5%, the drug can not be used systematically for the empirical treatment of gonorrhea. In USA, in 1998, the level of resistance of gonococci to penicillins (to benzylpenicillin, to ampicillin, to bicillins) was 78% and to tetracycline antibiotics (tetracycline and doxycycline) - 96%.

This is written, for example, in the recommendations "Antibacterial treatment of gonorrhea in the light of recent international recommendations" (AA Kubanova, SV Sekhin, SB Yakushin, AA Kubanov), published in 2002. The article presents modern international recommendations for the treatment of gonorrhea, accompanied by comments by specialists from the Central Research Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the USA and the Research Institute for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Among the drugs recommended, first of all, the generation of cephalosporin III, ceftriaxone and fluoroquinolones, mainly ciprofloxacin, characterized by an efficiency of 100%. As you can see, these drugs are not in the list of drugs recommended on the site for the treatment of patients with gonorrhea.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the study of 213 clinical strains of gonococci isolated in 2002-2003. in Smolensk and Moscow, 34.7% of the strains were insensitive to ciprofloxacin (3.3% of the strains showed moderate resistance and 31.4% were resistant) (Stratchounski LS, Sekhin SV, Voznesensky DL, Pimkina YS, Edelstein MV Dramatic Rise in Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Central USA, Proceedings of the 44th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; October 30, 2004 - November 2; Washington, DC, USA; p 125, abst. C2 -1887). In connection with the above facts, fluoroquinolones cannot be used as drugs for the empirical treatment of gonorrhea in central USA.

But this site is not the only one to conduct educational work on the treatment of gonorrhea with the general population. It is difficult to overestimate the help given to patients by the site "Life for you - Everything for a healthy lifestyle"

The specialists on this meticulously selected site presented to the public exhibit more than 50 types of medication. Only a large number of them allow us to assume that it is not necessary to take all the drugs together and not sequentially, although they follow a single list one after the other, but some of the drugs on offer. Which one exactly? This is usually judged by the sequence of presentation of the drugs. The authors of this sequence are strictly logical - in alphabetical order.

In fact, it turns out that such a record number of drugs is the result of the registration of the trade names of the same medicinal substances. So, for example, Bassado, Doxal, Doxylan and Unidox-solutab - doxycycline produced by various pharmaceutical companies. Zinacef, ketoceph and novecef are one and the same cefuroxime. Norfloxacin appears in the list under 3 names, ciprofloxacin - under 6, etc. Meanwhile, the method of use and the dose in all cases are different.

On the site "Medical Center - reference information, articles, tests" the classification of antimicrobial agents exceeds more than the criteria of conventional pharmacology, however, the recommendations for their use have the same disadvantages. For example, it is said about penicillins that "drugs in this group are the main antibiotics for the treatment of gonorrhea, the others are reserve antibiotics". But the authors are ready to face difficulties: after "failure of penicillin", they recommend the sulfonamides (sulfonomethoxine and sulfadimethoxine). The list includes absolutely inappropriate antibiotics like kanamycin and chloramphenicol, the use of which with gonorrhea is much more space than, for example, ceftriaxone.

These drugs are quite toxic, but must be patient. In fact, the doctor consulting the Internet thinks so, and he, according to the website of the family doctor ", must know everything and never be wrong.

Thus, due to the impeccability of the decisions taken, the doctor even leaves a sapper who, according to the well-known aphorism, makes mistakes at least once. Only an inexperienced sapper risks his life first and a doctor, confident in his infallibility, risks the life and health of his patients.

The popularization of medical knowledge is not a shameful activity, but it requires as much professionalism and responsibility as the information of medical specialists. In this case, a rigorous selection of the material and its competent presentation are of fundamental importance. An example is the "Popular Medical Encyclopedia" published in 1981 and edited by academician B.V. Petrovsky. In particular, there is an article on gonorrhea, in which advice is given at the first sign of a disease to consult a doctor.

Such advice, expressed directly, now, given the growing public confidence in their own knowledge of medicine, may seem naive. And yet, if the author himself is confident in the validity of this principle, then, by adapting medical information, he should not contribute to the spread of self-medication. Especially when, as a result of such self-medication, harm can be caused not only to a specific person, but to society as a whole.